Evening in Yellowstone
Bisons are magnificent and immense creatures. This majestic male strolled through the fresh snow, unfazed by the prevailing cold and dampness that adorned his fur with ice crystals. Slowly but consistently, he moved forward, aware that there were few things that could impede his journey. Steam billowed from his nostrils, settling on his muzzle in the form of ice crystals. The crackling sound of frozen snow beneath his hooves echoed in the Madison River Valley, which was quietly getting ready for the night. The setting sun, with its last rays, tinted his fur orange and created a delicate mist drifting over the river. It was a beautiful and one-of-a-kind evening, and I'm delighted that I could be a part of it.
Yellowstone, USA
FE 400mm F2.8 GM OSS
400mm ƒ/6.3 1/1600 ISO 800